Monday, November 16, 2009


i miss this so bad
its kind of weird to miss wyoming, but i miss not (really) caring about life outside of family
i probably wont get to see everyone together until next thanksgiving
if then
but i get to see some of them in a week
i'm excited

life is slowing down, for the most part
the plays over and i don't feel that sad
i guess i'm tired of missing things

my dads birthday is today
i got him a peacock ornament from morgan imports
hayden panettierre... ha

Saturday, November 7, 2009

george swears he got a bogey flavored one once

this is what i have spent my entire day on.

reading and sleeping.

my life is totally wrapped up in with their eyes. everytime i say something i immediatly relate it to some line in the play. when i say "reading, sleeping" i think of the second monologe where max willens says "sometimes readin, sometimes sleepin" and everyone lays down on the floor. i hate this.

i'm starting a blog. these days, i need a vent.

but i feel pretty weird venting to the internet